Wednesday, June 3, 2009

MP8 Soft ProSafe v2.01 S60 J2ME Cracked-BiNPDA

MP8 Soft ProSafe v2.01 S60 J2ME Cracked-BiNPDA


ProSafe is a tool to manage all your password, for example; credit card, bank account, email account, pc account, etc. It will bring you more convenience, don't forget your password forever!

The default password of this product is 123456. You can modify after login

Features include:
* Over 18 unique, built-in icons for organization
* Backup to mailbox

Reg with any 15 characters string.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

2009 new NetQin mobile antivirus v2.4 for S60

NetQin Mobile Antivirus, as the first software passing authentic certification by the Ministry of Public Security and product testing by the Research Institution of China Mobile, is a trustworthy mobile product recommended by At present, NetQin Antivirus fully supports the most varieties of mobile phones across the world and safeguards the handset security with all one's strength for you.
Main features of NetQin Mobile Antivirus include:
Complete and Quick File Scanning:The core scanning engine of NetQin Mobile Antivirus has adopted the original layer mapping technique from NetQin based on “core” features of viruses and thus, it can execute a complete scan over the User’s mobile phone without negligence or mistake and guarantee information security of the mobile phone. Considering the resource and power restriction of mobile phones, NetQin has optimized both scanning algorithm and strategy to minimize the power consumption of scanning process. Moreover, user interaction during the scanning process has been taken into account. Pause or stop the process at any time, or normally use the mobile phone during scanning are doable due to the user-friendly design.

Accurate and Real-time Monitoring:NetQin Mobile Antivirus enables real-time monitoring over network connection and file system, and detecting and blocking virus or threats from short messages, multimedia messages, blue tooth, infra-red connection, GPRS, etc. At the earliest time.

Varied viruses removing thoroughly, and infected file restoring:NetQin Mobile Antivirus equipped with the safe and effective Antivirus strategy can kill virus in an accurate and complete way. Few simple steps can get users rid of virus and help them to restore infected file(s) without any damage. With this software, users don’t have to worry about their important files be infected.

Timely Online Update:To provide users’ mobile phones with better shield, NetQin is continuously updating its virus database, from which, all users can online download the update(s) for their personal virus database. Moreover, NetQin will compress the update(s) to the maximum extent to minimize the users’ communication fees, thus to offer the most cost-effective safety solution. With the simple and easy-use function of task scheduling, NetQin Mobile Antivirus enables the users to customize their own tasks, i.e., scanning and updating. The software will automatically scan and update files according to the user-specified schedule.

For S60v2 download
For S60v3 download

Friday, March 20, 2009

Free English to Bangla full version Dictionary

Here is a free english to bangla dictionary. It's full version. Thanks to Waliul Islam for this dictionary. For more information go to

Download link

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

MSDict Oxford Dictionary of Business JAVA

MSDict Oxford Dictionary of Business

An Informative Guide to all Areas of Modern Business

The Dictionary of Business is a wide-ranging and informative guide to all areas of modern business. Completely revised and updated, with over 6,500 entries covering terms from marketing to taxation and accounting, business strategy to international finance, human resources management to banking, this dictionary will prove indispensable to both students and professionals. It also covers U.S. Business terms as well as business and financial jargon. Coverage
A Dictionary of Business is the third edition of A Concise Dictionary of Business, first published in 1990. The original edition was prepared on the assumption that it would be of use of students of all kinds of business courses, ranging from GCSE Business Studies to degree and postgraduate business subjects, as well as to business people and their professional advisers (layers, bankers, accountants, managers, insurers,etc.). In the third edition, special attention was paid to the vocabulary used in the business strategy, organizational behaviour, marketing, and human resources management. This third edition has brought the book into 21st century, with a special emphasis on the use of Internet in commercial practices. The burgeoning vocabulary of e-commerce and interactive marketing is a feature of this edition. The MSDict Dictionary FormatThe Oxford Dictionary of Business is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.
Quick dynamic search of words while you type
Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
Hyperlinks between different related words
Dynamic changing of font sizes
Button allowing quick erase of the query field
Support of multiple dictionaries installed at a time
Support of memory cards

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MSDict Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary JAVA

MSDict Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary.
Over 340,000 Hard Copies Sold.

This dictionary provides full coverage of all the important terms and concepts used in medicine today. Written by distinguished practicing specialists and medical writers, it is intended primarily for workers in the paramedical fields: pharmacists, physiotherapists, speech therapists, social workers, hospital secretaries, administrators, technicians, and so on. It will also be invaluable for medical students and practicing doctors. Each entry contains a basic definition, followed- where appropriate- by a more detailed explanation or description. A feature of the dictionary is that the articles are written in clear and concise English without the use of unnecessary technical jargon. For this reason the book will also be of both interest and value to the general reader who needs a home medical dictionary.

'Excellent layout and jargon-free style'- Nursing Times

'An extraordinary bargain'- New Scientist Coverage

The dictionary defines terms in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology, as well as in all major medical and surgical specialties. Its coverage of psychology and psychiatry, public health medicine and dentistry is unusually comprehensive, and this edition includes many new entries covering the latest developments in diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy, endocrinology, pediatrics, and urology, as well as the other medical surgical specialties. Key terms in the developing speciality of advanced life support systems have also been added as new entries. Entries for many new drugs have been included, and drug names have been revised in accordance with the recently implemented EC directive on the use of recommended International Non-Proprietary Names (rINNs); where these differ from names commonly used in Britain, the letter are included both as synonyms for the rINNs and as cross-reference entries.

The MSDict Dictionary Format
The Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

Quick dynamic search of words while you type
Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
Hyperlinks between different related words
Dynamic changing of font sizes
Button allowing quick erase of the query field
Support of multiple dictionaries installed at a time
Support of memory cards

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MSDict java dictionries cracked binpda

MSDict Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
The First and Last Word in Dictionaries

The Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary provides definitions for about 170,000 words, phrases and examples and is compiled to offer what learners need most in a dictionary. The Second Edition offers new, up-to-date vocabulary (e.g. Sex up, speed-dating, whiteboard), new 'mini-collocation' boxes, and new frequency information to highlight the most important words to learn. The new Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary gives you everything you need to learn English and pass exams! Bang Up-to-date and Easy to Use.

References to over 170,000 words, phrases and examples explained in clear and natural English
All the important new words that have come into the language (e.g. Dirty bomb, lairy, 9/11, clickable)
Over 200 'Common Learner Error' notes, based on the Cambridge Learner Corpus from Cambridge ESOL exams
Only words from a defining vocabulary used to help make definitions easy to understand
Over 90,000 examples, mainly full sentences, show you how English is used in context and help you write natural English.
25,000 collocations show the way words work together in English

Download link

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fingertip Access Ultimate SMS v 2.4.1

ltimate SMS satisfies all your SMS sending/receiving needs. It keeps all your SMS messages private and safe on your phone. It schedules automatic SMS sending for you. It filters out unwanted SMS by senders and contents you specify. It notifies you of new incoming SMS using customized alert tones for different phone numbers / contacts of your choice. It also can send encrypted SMS to people in a list of you own. It lets you create template SMS and assign hotkeys to those templates so that you send a predefined SMS by simply pressing some keys on your phone screen. It groups all your messages into conversation thread based on senders and receivers so that you can view messages in context. It also reminds you of unread SMS periodically.

With Ultimate SMS, you can also export all your incoming and outgoing SMS on your phone to a text file. All your incoming and outgoing messages are encrypted inside some internal database, and no body, no other applications can access those messages.
New in Version 2.4
1. “Arbitrary interval” schedule , such as sending SMS every 5 minutes, every hour.
2. “Arbitrary count” schedule, such as send a SMS 50 times.
3. Allow phone built-in acc sounds for incoming alert.
4. You can also use your own alert tone files by just copying wav, mp3, acc, rng or midi files to C:\Data\UltimateSMS or E:\Data\UltimateSMS folder on your phone, depending where you install the software.
5. Support touch screen phones such as Nokia 5800

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